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Unpack Tons of Health Benefits with 1 Litre Mineral Water Bottle

Unpack Tons of Health Benefits with 1 Litre Mineral Water Bottle

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The benefits of drinking water are immense and pretty much known to all. Water accounts for nearly 60 per cent of your total body weight. And you keep losing water from your body in the form of sweat or urine. That is the reason why you should drink enough water to keep yourself hydrated and maintain the water balance of your body. But how much water intake is enough? Different people have different answers to this question. And it is important to know what the right amount of intake is as too much water can cause negative effects.

Benefits of Drinking Water

Water is perhaps the only fluid that is completely sugar and calorie-free. It bestows various good values for your health. Some of the critical roles that water plays for your body are:

  • Water facilitates the breakdown of your fat cells. Drinking 500ml of water before your meals can protect you from overeating and keep your body weight at check.
  • Water takes away toxins and harmful bacteria from your body which gives your skin freedom from acne.
  • Keeping yourself hydrated with as little as 1 litre mineral water bottle can improve your concentration and the performance of your short term memory.
  • Water keeps your bloodstream liquid. The water present in your eyes, amniotic sac, and spinal cord act as a shock absorber.
  • Water flushes out waste products from your body. This helps in preventing kidney stones and urine infections. You also have fewer chances to catch a cold when you stay hydrated.

Differentiating between Hydration and Overhydration

While the benefits of drinking water are huge, an excess of water can also cause harm to your body. Overhydration can dilute the electrolytes and salt content of your body. The decrease in salt level can lead to a condition called Hyponatremia in which the water and sodium balance of your body is disrupted. If you drink more water than your body can release via urine, your bloodstream will get overflooded. However, overhydration is not always the cause of excess water intake. You can get overhydrated if your body retains too much water.

How Much Water is Too Much?

As both too much and too little water intake is harmful to you, knowing the correct amount of consumption is crucial. There are various factors that go on to decide the right amount for you, lifestyle, age, and sex are to name a few. According to the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, adult men require about 3.5 litres of water. In comparison, adult women should consume about 2.5 litres of water each day. This amount is inclusive of the fluid that you consume from water, food, or other beverages.

To ensure that you allow your body this much of water intake, you can keep the 1-litre mineral water bottles handy. These easy-to-carry water packs can help in filling your thirst all day long. You can stock in as many packs as you want based on the requirement. Carrying these with you will make sure that you are not dehydrating your body. You can also go for the smaller packs that contain 250 or 500 ml of water. But with these packs, you need to be more alert about insufficient consumption.

Thus, the benefits of water are plenty. But to enjoy the benefits, you need to be cautious about the amount of intake. An excess of water can cause water intoxication. On the other hand, water deficiency can cause dehydration, which might affect your day-to-day functioning. Consuming around 2-4 litres of water is the usual recommendation to stay hydrated all day.